Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hark! I hear the fart of a Quail!

And then it was heard no more..

Alas, During my life of yore, when yore consisted of no confounded mobile phones so that people who already annoy you face to face can annoy when they are not so face to face. Tis a bane I tell you a bane!

Boons of Yore:

** No mobile phones (when you told your parents you were going out, that's the last you heard of them until you came in )

** We didn't have to worry about transfats - we enjoyed our mayonnaise and wore it proud on our t-shirts! (and my God! we are still alive without any diseases thank you very much! friggin FDA)

**The BMX bikes were all you needed to be cool (unlike today's latest mobiles, ipods and play stations, parents had it cheap!)

**We didn't depend on Cable tv, we had our wild imagination. Most of us had one.

**The Globe didn't decide to warm up yet.

** The 80'S music!!

** Roller skates

Ok I won't be a total hyprocrite, I love the comfort of carrying all your music on a small chip, INTERNET and microwave ovens.

But that doesn't stop me from reminscing about yore,
when we fell in love over and over again,
when being friends didn't mean talking everyday - it just mean't you played in the same playground.
when burping meant a competition among your friends
when looks didn't matter and chubby was cute
when you could carry of neon green shoe laces with panache along with your fake metallic tattoo on your arm
when you were never bored because there was always something to do
when you didn't think abuot where we were going in life, because you were happy in the now

In some ways I feel I still have almost all of that and in some ways I feel I don't, hence I go back to searching for Mr.White Rabbit ( who is late for a date) so I might perhaps accompany him and play a game of cards with the queen of hearts...Although she has this insane habbit of taking people's heads off.

But then again when have people with hearts ever listened to their brains?

1 comment:

Da Rodent said...

at times mobile phones are indeed a serious annoyance :P